
Why Does My Shower Drain Smell – Get To Know More

why does my shower drain smell

Smelly shower drain is a common issue and there can be multiple reasons for your shower drain smell.
Read this article to know more.

There are several reasons why your shower drain may be emitting a bad odour. The good news is that a foul shower is typically a fairly simple issue to fix once you determine the reason.

A blockage in the drain line, a dry or filthy P-trap, a buildup of mildew or biofilm, and leaking drain lines in the walls, ceiling, or under the floor are frequent causes of a sewage odour coming from the shower drain.

reasons Of why your shower drain smells:

1. Clogged drains

A clog is one of the most prevalent issues with a shower that can cause unpleasant aromas to come from the drain. The buildup of dirt, grime, oils, hair, and other debris in the drain line can be a barrier, keeping related objects from being rinsed. Since clogs take time to build, you might not smell anything when the blockage initially appears, but after a few days or weeks, trapped hair, mineral deposits, and soap scum might begin to emit unpleasant scents. It is advised to buy a drain filter that can trap a lot of the hair. But you must make sure to empty and clean the drain filter regularly.

Clogged drains
Clogged drains

2. Dirty P-Trap

Under the shower is where the P-Trap is for the drain. A U-shaped portion of pipe that dips below the remainder of the shower drain line makes up this plumbing component. This design prevents gases from the sewage line from escaping via the shower drain by trapping a tiny amount of water in the drain line. This pipe can become clogged with dirt, grime, hair, oils, and other debris, which causes a foul odour to emanate from the drain.

Plumbing vents draw air into the plumbing system to help transfer waste and wastewater through the pipes and outside the house. The P-trap may get dry if a vacuum is created by the vent being broken, clogged, or otherwise blocked. The smells from the drain line can freely exit through the shower drain when the P-trap is dry.

Dirty P-Trap
Dirty P-Trap

3. Biofilm Formation

While biofilm is a substance that resembles mould, it differs significantly from mould in that it is made of a living colony of bacteria and their excrement. It can be any colour, though pink or orange are the most frequent, and has the appearance of muck, filth, or slime. This slime can accumulate inside the drain and seep into the shower, producing musty odours.

Biofilm adheres to surfaces and has a slimy, often glue-like feeling.


4. Leaking pipes

A severe problem resulting from a leaking drain line is the smell of sewage from the drain or even permeating through the walls and into the bathroom. To leave the house, the wastewater and waste from the shower must flow down and into the main drain. There is a good chance that if the drain line leaks, the sewage will seep into the neighbourhood and soak the insulation and the interior of the walls and flooring.

It’s critical to resolve this situation as soon as possible because if it’s left unattended for too long, the leaking wastewater will not only produce unpleasant aromas but also harm the drywall, insulation, framework, and other materials it comes into contact with.

Leaking pipes
Leaking Pipes

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