
Ways to Clean Your Bathroom Drainage System


Get rid of this frustrating experience in your bathroom. Let’s follow these 5 steps that’ll give outstanding results.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of a bathtub or sink that won’t drain properly? Or noticed an unpleasant smell emanating from your bathroom drain? 

These issues may seem minor but can lead to serious problems if unaddressed. That’s why keeping your bathroom drainage system clean and free of clogs is crucial.

Clogged bathroom drains can cause damage to your home and require expensive repairs. But don’t worry – with some simple steps and regular maintenance; you can prevent these problems and ensure your plumbing system stays in top shape.
In this article, we’ll discuss why it’s essential to maintain clean bathroom drainage and share some practical tips to help prevent clogs and keep your plumbing running smoothly. So, let’s dive in and learn how to keep your bathroom drains clean and clear!

Types of Bathroom Drainage Systems

Bathroom drainage systems come in different types and designs, but their primary function is to channel wastewater out of the bathroom to the sewer or septic tank. Here are some of the most common types of bathroom drainage systems and how they work:

  • Floor Drain Systems: These are typically found in shower stalls and basements. They have a grate or cover that sits flush with the floor, allowing water to flow into the drain and be directed to the sewer system.
  • Sink Drain Systems: These are the most common type of bathroom drainage system. They are designed to remove wastewater from sinks and other fixtures and direct it to the main sewer line.
  • Bathtub Drain Systems: These work similarly to sink drain systems but are designed to handle larger volumes of water from the bathtub.
  • Toilet Drain Systems: These are designed to remove and transport human waste and toilet paper from the toilet bowl to the sewer or septic tank.

These bathroom drainage systems rely on gravity to move wastewater out of the bathroom and into the sewer or septic system. Proper installation and regular maintenance are crucial to ensure the drainage system functions properly and avoids clogs or backups.

Signs of a Clogged Bathroom Drain: In Detail

Clogged bathroom drains can cause various problems that can be frustrating and unpleasant. Here are some common signs that your bathroom drain may be clogged:

  1. Slow Draining Water: If the water in your sink, shower, or bathtub is slow to drain, this is a clear indication that something is blocking the drainage system. You may notice that the water takes longer than usual or doesn’t drain at all.
  2. Foul Odors: If you detect a foul odour coming from your bathroom drain, this is a sign that there is a buildup of organic matter (such as hair, soap scum, or food particles) in the gutter. This organic matter can create a breeding ground for bacteria, creating unpleasant smells.
  3. Overflowing Water: If water starts to overflow from your sink, shower, or bathtub, this is a sign that the drain is completely blocked. If left unaddressed, this can cause significant water damage to your bathroom and home.

Other signs of a clogged bathroom drain may include gurgling noises coming from the drain, water backing up into other fixtures, or a sudden increase in water bills. If you notice any of these signs, addressing the issue immediately is vital to prevent further damage and potential health hazards.

How to Clean Bathroom Drainage System

After detecting the signs of a clogged bathroom drain, the next question is how to clean the bathroom drain system. Here are some steps you can do yourself or with the help of a plumber.

Remove Debris from the Drain

Step 1: Remove Debris from the Drain

The first step in cleaning your bathroom drainage system is to remove any visible debris or hair from the drain cover or grate. This is important because hair and other materials can accumulate in the drain over time, creating a blockage that can prevent water from draining properly.

To remove the debris, you can start by wearing gloves to protect your hands. Then, take a small tool like a wire hanger and straighten it out. You can also use a plastic or metal drain stick specifically designed to clean drains.

Next, use the tool to carefully lift the drain cover or grate and remove any clumps of hair, soap scum, or other debris clogging the drain. It’s important to be gentle and not push the debris further down the drain.

If the debris is particularly stubborn, you can try using a small brush or toothbrush to loosen it up before removing it. Once you’ve removed all the visible debris, dispose of it in the trash, not down the drain.

By removing debris regularly, you can help prevent clogs and ensure that your bathroom drainage system functions properly.

Use a Plunger to Loosen the Clog

Step 2: Use a Plunger to Loosen the Clog

  • Fill the Sink, Tub, or Shower with Water: Start by filling the sink, tub, or shower with enough water to cover the bottom of the plunger. This will create a seal and increase the suction needed to dislodge the clog.
  • Position the Plunger: Place the plunger over the drain and ensure it completely covers the opening. Make sure the plunger is straight up and down to create the suction evenly.
  • Plunge: Push the plunger down and pull it up quickly, creating a suction to help loosen the clog. Continue plunging vigorously for a minute or two or until the water drains out of the sink, tub, or shower.
  • Repeat: If the water is still not draining properly, repeat the plunging process several times until the clog is cleared.
  • Using a plunger is a quick and easy way to remove clogs from your bathroom drainage system. If the clog is particularly stubborn, you may need to call a professional plumber for further assistance.
Use a Drain Snake

Step 3: Use a Drain Snake to Remove Stubborn Clogs

If the plunger doesn’t work to remove the clog, the next step is to use a drain snake to remove the blockage. A drain snake, also known as a plumbing auger, is a flexible wire tool that can be inserted into the drain to break up and remove the clog.

Here’s how to use a drain snake to clean your bathroom drainage system:

  • Insert the Wire Snake: Insert the end of the drain snake into the drain and push it in as far as it will go. If you’re using a hand-cranked drain snake, turn the crank to help move the snake further into the drain.
  • Rotate and Push: Rotate and push the snake down the drain using gentle but firm pressure. Keep doing this until you reach the blockage.
  • Break Up the Clog: Once you reach the blockage, use a back-and-forth motion with the snake to break up the clog. Be careful not to use too much force, which could damage the pipes.
  • Remove the Clog: Pull the snake back out of the drain, bringing the clog with it once you’ve broken it up. Dispose of the clog in the trash.
  • Test the Drain: Turn on the water to see if the drain is now flowing properly. If not, repeat the process until the drain is completely clear.

Using a drain snake can be a bit more challenging than using a plunger, but it can be very effective in removing stubborn clogs. If you’re uncomfortable using a drain snake or cannot remove the clog, it may be time to call a professional plumber for assistance. 

Hot Water and Baking Soda

Step 4: Flush the Drain with Hot Water and Baking Soda

After removing the clog, it’s important to flush the drain with hot water and baking soda to remove any remaining debris and help prevent future clogs. Here’s how to do it:

  • Pour Baking Soda into the Drain: Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda.
  • Add Hot Water: Pour 2 cups of hot water down the drain. The hot water will help dissolve the baking soda and any remaining debris in the drain.
  • Wait and Flush: Wait 5-10 minutes for the baking soda and hot water to work their magic. Then, flush the drain with hot water to rinse any remaining debris.
  • Baking soda is a natural cleaning agent that can help break up and dissolve stubborn debris and odours in your bathroom drainage system. Using it regularly can help prevent clogs and keep your pipes clean and odour-free.

In addition to baking soda, you can also use vinegar to clean and deodorise your drains. Simply pour 1/2 cup of vinegar down the drain and follow it with hot water to rinse any remaining debris. Vinegar is a natural acid that can help dissolve grease and other buildup in your pipes, making it an effective cleaning solution for your bathroom drainage system.

Step 5: Use a Commercial Drain Cleaner

If the clog in your bathroom drainage system is particularly stubborn, you may need to use a commercial drain cleaner to break it up and remove it. Commercial drain cleaners are available in hardware stores and supermarkets and can effectively clear clogs.

Here’s how to use a commercial drain cleaner:

  • Choose the Right Cleaner: There are many types of drain cleaners available, so be sure to choose one that’s safe for your type of pipes and won’t damage them. Read the label carefully before using it.
  • Follow the Instructions: Follow the instructions on the label carefully, as each type of drain cleaner may have slightly different instructions. You’ll need to pour the cleaner down the drain, let it sit for a while, and then flush the drain with hot water.
  • Be Careful: Be sure to wear gloves and eye protection when using a commercial drain cleaner, as these products can be corrosive and dangerous if they come into contact with your skin or eyes.

While commercial drain cleaners can be effective, they should be used as a last resort, as they can harm the environment and your pipes if overused. If you find that you need to use a commercial drain cleaner frequently, it may be time to call a professional plumber to assess and fix the underlying issue.

Bathroom Drainage Solutions

If you’re experiencing frequent clogs or slow drains in your bathroom, you may want to consider upgrading your drainage system. Here are some bathroom drainage solutions to consider:

Upgrade to Larger Pipes: If you have an older home, your bathroom drainage system may be outdated and not designed to handle modern water usage. Upgrading to larger pipes can improve water flow and reduce the likelihood of clogs.

Install a Drain Screen: Installing a drain screen can help prevent hair, soap, and other debris from entering your drainage system, reducing the likelihood of clogs and slow draining.

Regular Maintenance: Regularly cleaning your drains and having them professionally inspected can help prevent clogs and other drainage issues.


In conclusion, a clean and efficient bathroom drainage system is important for both the functionality and hygiene of your bathroom. Regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent clogs and other drainage issues, but if you find yourself constantly dealing with clogs or slow draining, it may be time to consider upgrading your drainage system or seeking professional plumbing services. 

By taking the necessary steps to maintain and improve your bathroom drainage system, you can ensure a clean and functional bathroom for years to come.


What Is The Best Thing To Clean Bathroom Drains?

The best thing to clean bathroom drains is a mixture of baking soda and vinegar, followed by hot water. This natural and inexpensive solution can effectively break up clogs and remove debris from your drains.

How To Clean The Bathroom Sink Drain?

To clean a bathroom sink drain, start by removing any visible debris or hair from the drain. Next, pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, and then flush the drain with hot water. If the clog is stubborn, you can try using a plunger or drain snake to remove it.

How Do I Clean My Bathroom Basin Drain?

To clean a bathroom basin drain, you can use the same methods as cleaning a bathroom sink drain. Start by removing any visible debris, then pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by hot water. You can also use a plunger or drain snake to remove stubborn clogs.
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