
The Ultimate Guide to Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing

toilet seat as per vastu


The profound wisdom of Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture and design, has been cherished for centuries. As you embark on this journey, let us guide you through the significance of toilet seat facing in Vastu Shastra. By understanding its impact on your health and well-being, you can unlock the true potential of Vastu in your home.

Quick View: Which Direction Should the Toilet Seat Face?

According to Vastu for toilet seat facing, the ideal directions for the toilet seat are the north, west, or north-west. Placing the toilet seat in these directions is believed to facilitate the elimination of waste and toxins, promoting positive energy flow.

For detailed knowledge on the subject, please read on.

Understanding the Basics of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is a discipline rooted in the principles of energy flow. Its objective is to establish harmony between the environment and its inhabitants. Every direction and object possesses a unique energy in Vastu Shastra, shaping the flow of energy within your home. This science incorporates elements like earth, water, fire, air, and space, as well as celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars.

The Importance of Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing

In Vastu Shastra, the direction in which the toilet seat faces holds profound significance. As the toilet is considered a space of negative energy, the direction of its seat directly influences the energy flow within your home.

According to Vastu Shastra, the toilet seat should never face north or east, as these directions are considered auspicious and symbolize positive energy. When the toilet seat faces these directions, it disrupts the energy flow, resulting in adverse effects on your health and well-being.

Importance of Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing

On the other hand, when the toilet seat faces south or west, it aligns with Vastu principles. These directions are associated with negative energy, and the toilet can help absorb and balance this energy flow. By adhering to these guidelines, you can promote positive effects on your health and overall well-being.

Here are some important points to consider when deciding the Vastu for toilet seat facing:

  • No specific direction: Traditional Vastu scriptures do not mention any specific direction for the toilet seat facing. So, you have flexibility in choosing the direction.
  • Modern flat constraints: In modern flats where the plumbing and pipelines are fixed, it may be challenging to align the toilet seat strictly according to Vastu guidelines.
  • Yogic practices: In certain texts of Hatha Yoga, practitioners of Kundalini sadhana were advised to face different directions while defecating based on the flow of energy channels in the body (nadis) and the influence of apana and Samana Vayus. However, this is more applicable to advanced yogic practices.
  • Convenience and pipeline location: For regular householders, it is generally acceptable to have the toilet seat facing North, South, or even West. The decision can be made based on convenience and the location of the pipelines.
  • Consideration for West-facing seat: If you have the option to choose, it is advisable to avoid having the toilet seat facing West with your back towards the East. This is a general recommendation, but it is not strictly based on Vastu principles.

Remember, while Vastu guidelines can provide some insights, it’s important to prioritize convenience, practicality, and personal preferences when it comes to choosing the direction of toilet seat in your home.

How Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing Affects Your Health and Well-being

The direction in which your toilet seat faces significantly influences your health and well-being. If the toilet seat faces north or east, it can lead to various health issues, including digestive disorders, sleep disturbances, and a general sense of weakness, according to Vastu Shastra.

This occurs because the north and east directions are inherently imbued with positive energy, which the toilet disrupts. When the toilet seat faces these directions, it accumulates negative energy within your home, thereby negatively impacting your health and well-being.

In contrast, a toilet seat facing south or west helps absorb negative energy and promote positive energy flow. This harmonious flow of energy contributes to improved digestion, better quality sleep, and an overall sense of well-being.

The Different Directions for Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing

Within Vastu Shastra, there are four cardinal directions that influence toilet seat facing: north, east, south, and west. Each direction holds unique significance, directly impacting the energy flow within your home.

North: The north direction signifies prosperity and wealth. A toilet seat facing north disrupts energy flow, potentially leading to financial troubles.

East: The east direction represents knowledge and wisdom. A toilet seat facing east disturbs the energy flow, possibly resulting in mental stress and anxiety.

South: The south direction encompasses negative energy. A toilet seat facing south helps absorb this negative energy, promoting positive energy flow within your home.

West: The west direction symbolizes stability and strength. A toilet seat facing west fosters these qualities, contributing to a more balanced energy flow.

Toilet Vastu Direction & Location: The Best Options

When it comes to choosing the best Vastu directions for toilets and bathrooms, here are the recommended options:

  • West of North West (WNW): This location is considered ideal for toilets as it helps release blocked emotions and negativity from the mind.
  • South of South West (SSW): Another excellent position for toilets, it facilitates the removal of waste at both the physical and mental levels.
  • East of South East (ESE): Placing a toilet in this area promotes creative thinking and results in better and more fruitful ideas.

Referencing the image provided clearly illustrates the best and worst toilet positions.

placement of bathroom as per vastu

Before deciding on the best direction for a toilet according to Vastu, it’s important to understand its purpose. Toilets serve as a means of disposal, used to flush out waste matter. Therefore, their correct location is crucial.

For example, we know that the South East direction is associated with cash flow. Placing a toilet in the South East can hinder a smooth cash flow.

Now let’s delve into the effects of each toilet direction in more detail.

  • East of North East (only for bathing area): This is an excellent place for a bathroom, specifically for bathing. The energies in this zone evoke a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling. Bathing helps us feel fresh and energetic, and the supportive energies in this zone enhance that experience. However, avoid placing a commode or WC in this area.
  • East of South East: This is a favorable location for a toilet. The energies in this zone facilitate the process of flushing out waste matter and help reduce excessive mental churn. It also alleviates problems related to anxiety and panic attacks.
  • South of South West: Considered the best position for a toilet, this zone is associated with disposal. The inherent energies here are effective in eliminating wasteful elements from our lives, whether it’s human waste, emotional waste, or toxic relationships. Placing a toilet here aligns well with the overall Vastu energies of the property.
  • West of North West: According to ancient Vastu texts, this area is known for releasing blocked emotions. It is advised to create a space for crying or releasing pent-up emotions, known as “Rodan Graha.” Positioning a toilet here can assist residents in releasing and removing blocked emotions from their minds and hearts. The release of negative emotions promotes relaxation of the mind, heart, and eventually the physical body, contributing to overall well-being.

These locations offer favorable Vastu energies for toilets, promoting a healthier and more balanced environment.

Choosing the Right Direction for Your Toilet Seat

To select the appropriate direction for your toilet seat, consider crucial factors such as the location of your bathroom, the direction of its door, and the orientation of other rooms in your home. You may consult a proficient Vastu consultant or utilize a compass to determine your bathroom’s alignment. Also, consider the direction of other objects in your home, such as your bed or desk, and choose a direction that supports positive energy flow.

Factors to Consider for the Right Direction of the Toilet Seat:

To ensure the right direction for your toilet seat as per Vastu, consider the following factors:

  1. Position within the Home: The toilet seat should ideally be located in the north-western corner or on the north side of your home. These positions help eliminate negative energies and create space for positive ones.
  2. Orientation of the User: The person using the toilet should face either the northern or southern direction. This alignment is believed to balance the health of the family members.
  3. Avoiding Certain Directions: Placing the toilet seat in the eastern or north-eastern corners should be avoided, as these directions are associated with religious affairs and spiritual offerings. Doing so may negatively impact the well-being and prosperity of the occupants.
  4. Considerations for Female Health: According to Vastu, defecation for women should be avoided in the south-western, south-eastern, and overall southern parts of the home. Following this guideline is believed to promote the health of women.

Problems with Incorrect Position of Toilet and Bathroom

Understanding the significance of the proper placement of toilets and bathrooms according to Vastu, let’s explore some common problems people encounter when these facilities are incorrectly positioned in different directions.

Problems with Incorrect Position of toilet seat

Toilet in the North East:

This is the most unfavorable placement for a toilet seat, causing serious health and financial issues. It completely hinders the flow of ideas and thoughts, leading to poor decision-making. A toilet in the North East is linked to neurological problems and is a major factor in cases of paralysis.

Toilet in the East:

A toilet in the East disrupts connections and social circles. People struggle to find suitable partners who can help them excel. It can also result in health disorders related to the liver and gall bladder, as well as issues with the circulatory system.

Toilet in the South East:

Placing a toilet here can create a severe cash crunch and lead to financial losses. For business owners, payments may get blocked or delayed. Additionally, a toilet in this area can cause significant health issues, particularly for females in the household, and lead to delays in marriage. Expecting mothers are at risk of health complications for the unborn child.

Toilet in the South:

South is considered the direction of lord Yama according to Vastu Purusha Mandala, and it holds great importance for the well-being and longevity of both residents and the building. Placing a toilet here can jeopardize both, leading to a loss of peace of mind and health problems related to the digestive system. It may also attract court cases and draw attention from income tax and police departments. A toilet in the South negatively impacts goodwill and brand name, so it’s crucial to avoid it when considering Vastu for offices.

Toilet in the South West:

The South West direction, known as the Pitra sthaan, strictly prohibits placing a toilet here. This area represents the Mooladhara chakra, responsible for physical, mental, and financial stability. A toilet in the South West disrupts stability in life and hampers family relations. Placing a toilet here can have adverse effects on relationships. For a deeper understanding, you can explore Vastu for happy relationships.

Toilet in the West:

West represents profits, gains, motivation, and expansion. A toilet in the West creates multiple hurdles for businessmen seeking financial gains and business expansion. When considering Vastu for shops and showrooms, it is strictly advised to avoid placing a toilet in this area. If you constantly face obstacles just before reaching success, a toilet in the West could be a contributing factor.

Toilet in the North West:

A toilet in the North West can hinder the foundation of various aspects of life. It may cause delays in building construction or disrupt the foundation of relationships. Property disputes are also associated with a North West toilet according to Vastu Shastra. Additionally, you may struggle to find support from the right people when you need it the most. Placing a toilet in the North West can also impact savings and investments. You can explore Vastu for saving money to gain further insights.

Toilet in the North:

North is the direction associated with lord Kuber, the giver of wealth. It is one of the most auspicious directions for earning money. However, a toilet constructed here blocks every opportunity to earn money and can hinder career growth and job promotions. In industrial setups, a toilet in the North direction often leads to labor-related problems.

By understanding the implications of incorrect toilet placements, one can address these concerns and ensure a harmonious Vastu arrangement.

Additional Tips to Enhance Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing:

  1. Window Placement: Having a window above the toilet seat, preferably facing the northern side, allows for better air circulation and natural light, enhancing the positive energy flow.
  2. Raised Toilet Seat: If possible, consider raising the bathroom floor slightly higher than the surface area of the home. This can be achieved by adding an extra step or platform. It aligns with Vastu principles and ensures better energy flow.
  3. Drainage System: The drainage pipes of the bathroom, including those connected to the toilet seat and wash basin, should be positioned in the western side of the home. This facilitates the proper elimination of waste and ensures smooth energy flow.
  4. Bathroom Door Material: Opt for wooden doors for the bathroom instead of metal. Metal can allow negative energies to dominate over positive ones, while wooden doors provide a barrier to these energies.
  5. Position of the Bathroom Door: The bathroom door should ideally open towards the northern or eastern side. Avoid positioning the bathroom door opposite to the puja room or any sacred space.
  6. Mirrors Placement: Placing mirrors in the east or south of the bathroom, facing the west or north, can help reflect negative energies and prevent their influence within the space.
  7. Brahmasthan Considerations: Avoid placing the toilet seat in the center of the home, known as the Brahmasthan. This area is considered sacred and placing a toilet seat there can bring negative energy and potential dangers.
  8. Separate Spaces: If possible, maintain separate areas for the toilet and the bathing/shower area. However, if a separate toilet space is not feasible, consider placing the toilet seat in the south-west or north-east direction, as per Vastu guidelines.
  9. Bathroom Slope: Ensure that the bathroom floor slopes towards the north direction. This promotes proper drainage and avoids the accumulation of stagnant water, which can hinder positive energy flow.
  10. Empty Space Above Toilet Seat: Keep the area above the toilet seat empty, except for the water tank. This allows for better airflow and energy circulation within the bathroom.

Tips for Correcting Toilet Seat Facing in Your Home

If your toilet seat faces an incorrect direction, there are practical methods to rectify the situation. You can relocate the toilet seat to a more suitable direction or employ Vastu remedies like mirrors or crystals to harmonize the energy flow within your home. Simple alterations to your bathroom design, such as incorporating plants or adjusting the color scheme, can also enhance positive energy flow.

The Benefits of Following Vastu Guidelines for Your Toilet Seat

Adhering to Vastu guidelines for your toilet seat offers numerous advantages for your health, well-being, and overall energy flow within your home. Correctly aligning your toilet seat promotes positive energy flow, enhances digestion, and contributes to better quality sleep. Embracing Vastu principles also cultivate prosperity, happiness, and robust health within your home, ultimately improving your overall quality of life.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Vastu for Toilet Seat Facing

1. Can the toilet seat face the east direction?

According to Vastu Shastra, it is not advisable for the toilet seat to face the east direction. A toilet seat facing east can disrupt the energy flow in your home, leading to mental stress and anxiety as the east direction represents knowledge and wisdom.

2. Which direction should the toilet seat face?

It is recommended that the toilet seat should not face the north or east direction. These directions are considered auspicious and associated with positive energy. Instead, it is beneficial for the toilet seat to face the south or west direction, as these directions are associated with negative energy, which the toilet can help absorb.

3. How does toilet seat facing affect health and well-being?

The direction in which the toilet seat faces significantly influences health and well-being. When the toilet seat faces north or east, it disrupts the positive energy flow, potentially causing digestive issues, sleep disturbances, and a sense of weakness. Conversely, a toilet seat facing south or west helps balance the energy flow, promoting improved digestion, better sleep, and overall well-being.

4. Can the toilet seat face the south?

It is generally not advised to have the toilet seat facing the south direction, especially for women’s defecation, as it may affect their health.

5. Is it necessary to have a window above the toilet seat?

While not mandatory, having a window above the toilet seat, preferably facing the northern side, can enhance the energy flow and provide better ventilation.

6. Should the bathroom door open inward or outward?

The bathroom door should ideally open towards the northern or eastern side, ensuring smooth energy flow. Avoid placing it opposite to sacred spaces like the puja room.

7. Is it acceptable to have a toilet seat in the center of the home?

No, placing the toilet seat in the center of the home, known as the Brahmasthan, is not recommended, as it can bring negative energy and potential dangers.

8. Can metal doors be used for the bathroom?

It is advisable to use wooden doors for the bathroom, as metal doors may allow negative energies to enter the living area.

9. Are there specific colors recommended for the bathroom as per Vastu?

Vastu suggests lighter colors such as white, cream, beige, and brown for bathroom walls. Dark colors like black, red, and dark blue should be avoided.

10. Can a toilet seat be placed in the south-west or north-east direction?

 If a separate toilet space is not feasible, placing the toilet seat in the south-west or north-east direction can be considered as per Vastu guidelines.

Incorporating Vastu Principles into Your Bathroom Design

To infuse Vastu principles into your bathroom design, consider utilizing colors, materials, and objects that facilitate positive energy flow. Additionally, incorporating plants, mirrors, or crystals can harmonize the energy within your bathroom. When designing your bathroom, take into account its location and the direction of the door. Seeking guidance from a Vastu consultant or utilizing a compass can help determine the optimal direction for your toilet seat and other elements in your bathroom.

The Role of Vastu Consultants in Optimizing Your Home’s Energy Flow

Vastu consultants play a vital role in optimizing the energy flow within your home. They possess expertise in analyzing your home’s energy patterns and offering recommendations for improvement. A proficient Vastu consultant can guide you in rectifying issues related to toilet seat facing and other aspects of Vastu Shastra. These professionals provide valuable insights into choosing the best direction for your toilet seat, as well as other crucial elements in your home, such as the bedroom’s location and the kitchen’s orientation.


Toilet seat facing holds profound importance within the realm of Vastu Shastra, as it profoundly impacts the energy flow within your home. By adhering to Vastu guidelines for your toilet seat, you can enhance positive energy flow, improve digestion, and promote better sleep. Integrating Vastu principles into your bathroom design fosters positive energy flow, supporting your health and overall well-being. By consulting with a knowledgeable Vastu consultant and following Vastu guidelines, you can create a harmonious balance between your home environment and its inhabitants, unlocking the full potential of Vastu’s transformative power.

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